Photo of visiting teachers
Photo of visiting teachers
Photo of visiting teachers
Photo of visiting teachers
Photo of visiting teachers

Teachers returning to Sly Park can relive the adventures they had as students visiting for the first time.

Things to Know before Your Visit

Welcome, teachers, to an educational adventure that lasts a lifetime, and thank you for bringing your students to Sly Park! Teachers, cabin leaders, parents, and administrators carry with them memories from when they first visited Sly Park as a student. If you have been here before, you already know the excitement in store for you. If this is your first trip, get ready for a great time!

Online Registration

For the upcoming school year, Sly Park is increasing communication and decreasing hard copies to do our part for the environment by utilizing an online registration process. You can now register yourself for Sly Park, or log in as the Trip Coordinator to view the status of your group’s registration (i.e. number registered, adult/chaperone and student’s complete/incomplete registration…).

Downloadable Documents

A post-visit survey is coming soon!